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Please fill in the form below and comment here if you are coming!
As we need to know the exact number of people coming to book a venue :)
Even if you have spoken to us already please can you confirm again on here that you will be attending!
Entering talent show?: [Yes]/[No]
Donation paid: [Yes]/[No]/[I dont know how to donate!]
Example form:
Name/nickname: Rachel/Rei
Email: reiko9095@gmail.com
Blog/LJ: lollipoprei.livejournal.com
Entering talent show: [No] I'm impartial~ haha we want YOU guys to win the prize!
Donation paid: [Yes]
Questions/comments: Cant wait to meet you all!♥
If you have any questions or would rather send the form by email, message us at TVXQ.yeongguk@gmail.com
Thank you!
Rei ♪