Hi everyone^^
You all know about the London fanmeeting right? Me (Rei), Melody, Jing and Jesh have been hard at work promoting and finding a venue for us all to spazz in xD.
But we need YOUR help too!
Unfortunately none of us are super-rich so we can't afford to pay for the venue/food/goods/equiptment/etc all by ourselves (we've been saving up too ;_;)
So we are asking that each of you who are coming makes a small donation of £5~ish towards our meet!
We promise that we are making no profit whatsoever.
If anything happens to be left over it will be saved to fund our next meet/fanclub activities!
We will be selling goods at the CHEAPEST price possible.
So we charge only what we payed+shipping.
Please send donations by paypal to Reibunny@hotmail.co.uk
Or if you are unable to use paypal please email us at TVXQ.yeongguk@gmail.com
and you can either post it or use bank transfer! Or we'll find another alternative for you!
Once your payment has been received we will add you to
And you will get a small gift from us as a thank you!
Here's a small update on what we have been up to^^
Last Sunday we went around London handing out posters in the rain
Maybe you might see them around ChinaTown/KoreaTown. :)
We found these BigBang drinks in Korea Town.
It's a shame there was no DBSK... I would have bought them alll! haha
One venue that we found. (lol blurry pic xD I'll never be a photographer ne?) This place was perfect but it's closed on the 27th ><>
CHEER US UP! Ahh this is stressful! we'll do our best for you guys ok!
Saku-chan couldn't make it so it was just us three~
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